High Quality Antibody Reagents


Showing 1-12 of 12 results

Code Name Product Type Clone
BIgG Bovine IgG Isotype control
GIgG Goat IgG Isotype Control
GIgG/FITC Goat IgG, conjugated with FITC
GIgG/PO Goat IgG, conjugated with Horseradish peroxidase
GpIgG Guinea Pig IgG Isotype control
MonIgG Monkey (Rhesus) IgG Isotype control
RaIgG Rat IgG Isotype control
RIgG Rabbit IgG Isotype control
RIgG/FITC Rabbit IgG, conjugated with FITC
RIgG/PO Rabbit IgG, conjugated with Horseradish peroxidase
ShIgG Sheep IgG Isotype control
SwIgG Swine IgG Isotype control