High Quality Antibody Reagents


Showing 1041-1080 of 1725 results

Code Name Product Type Clone
NE187/Bio Rabbit anti Aspergillus oryzae Ribonuclease T1, conjugated with Biotin Polyclonal
NE188/7S Rabbit anti Escherichia coli Ribonucleic acid polymerase Primary Antibodies Polyclonal
NE188/Bio Rabbit anti Escherichia coli Ribonucleic acid polymerase, conjugated with Biotin Polyclonal
NE189/7S Rabbit anti Bovine Uridine-5'-diphosphoglucose dehydrogenase Polyclonal
NE189/Bio Rabbit anti Bovine Uridine-5'-diphosphoglucose dehydrogenase, conjugated with Biotin Polyclonal
NE189/PAb Rabbit anti Bovine Uridine-5'-diphosphoglucose dehydrogenase Polyclonal
NE190/7S Rabbit anti Bovine Uridine-5'-diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase Polyclonal
NE190/Bio Rabbit anti Bovine Uridine-5'-diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase, conjugated with Biotin Polyclonal
NE191/Pab Rabbit anti Porcine Leucine aminopeptidase Polyclonal
NGpS Guinea Pig Serum Serums
NHaS Hamster Serum Serums
NGS Goat Serum Serums
NHoS Horse Serum Serums
NMonS (rhesus) Monkey (rhesus) Serum Serums
NMS Mouse Serum pool Serums
NMS a-allotype Mouse (CBA/BrARij) Serum Serums
NMS b-allotype Mouse (C57BL/KalwRij) Serum Serums
NOR/AA Pooled mouse ascites without immunoglobulins
NOR-01 Human IgG subclasses standard Serum Serum
NOR-03 Rat Ig and IgG subclasses standard Serum Serums
NOR-04 Human IgA subclasses standard Serum Serums
NRaS Rat Serum pool Serums
NRaS BN/BI/Rij Rat (BN/BI/Rij) Serum
NRaS BN/Wag/Fish Rat (BN/Wag/Fish) Serum Serum
NRaS Louvain Rat (Louvain) Serum Serums
NRaS Sprague Dawley Rat (Sprague Dawley) Serum Serums
RAB/IgM(Fc)/FITC Rabbit anti Bovine IgM (Fc specific), conjugated with FITC Polyclonal
RAB/IgM(Fc)/PO Rabbit anti Bovine IgM (Fc specific), conjugated with Horseradish peroxidase Polyclonal
RAB/LPO/Bio Rabbit anti Bovine lactoperoxidase, conjugated with Biotin Polyclonal
RAB/sIgA Rabbit anti Bovine secretory IgA Polyclonal
RAB/TSP Rabbit anti Bovine Serum proteins Polyclonal Antibody Polyclonal
RACa/IgA(Fc) Rabbit anti Cat IgA (Fc specific) Polyclonal Antibody Polyclonal
RACa/IgG(Fc) Rabbit anti Cat IgG (Fc specific) Polyclonal Antibody Polyclonal
RACa/IgG(H+L) Rabbit anti Cat IgG (heavy and light chains) Polyclonal
RACa/IgG(H+L)/Bio Rabbit anti Cat IgG (heavy and light chains), conjugated with Biotin Polyclonal
RACa/IgG(H+L)/FITC Rabbit anti Cat IgG (heavy and light chains), conjugated with FITC Polyclonal
RACa/IgG(H+L)/PO Rabbit anti Cat IgG (heavy and light chains), conjugated with Horseradish peroxidase Polyclonal
RACa/TSP Rabbit anti Cat Serum proteins Polyclonal Antibody Polyclonal
RACh/Alb Rabbit anti Chicken albumin Polyclonal
RACh/Ig Rabbit anti Chicken IgG IgA IgM (heavy and light chains) Polyclonal